Monday, February 9, 2009

Comparing Identity Markers

I chose to view the markers of my friend Adam Hadsall through the website of Facebook. In real life Adam is a very complex person who is an Emporia State Alum from the Sociology department. He now has a full-time job as a cognitive therapist; he helps people who have sustained brain injuries at some point in there life and works with them to become a part of society again. He is a very well-spoken individual that is driven to do be the best in his field; a professional. When comparing this identity marker to the one he portrays on Facebook is like the difference between night and day. His profile picture is of him rapping with his group MWP, wiht a microphone in one hand and an alcoholic beverage in the other. He also has quotes on his page saying, "you look like a dumbass." His identity online is that of a young male who likes to party and meet new women, this is a complete parody of his professional life. Online he is a wise cracking smart allec that seems to not know right from wrong; so which is the real Adam Hadsall? Both of these are him but when around a different audience he can portray a different set of personality traits depending on what is excepted.

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