Friday, January 30, 2009

My Computer Biography

From an early age I knew that I was not going to be very techonlogically savvy; my parents were very simple when it came to cources of enntertainment and electonics. No big televisions, computers or any newer types of technology. My parents finally invested in a computer my sophomore year of high school and I have been hooked ever since. The uses of a computer are endless when you have the luxury of the internet and a fast connection. Luckily I have always had the sources for cable and DSL connection so I can instantly see what I desire to search for.

I have never actually owned a computer myself, I have always used my parents computer or one that my roommates own and of course the free service at the Emporia State Campus. My roommate currently owns a Hewlitt Packard computer that is approximately three years old; we split the cost of internet, which is ridiculously high by the way. For the most part I usually go to the library to search for anything I might need in school and write important papers because I can concentrate more attentively when I do not have my own home appliances to distract me.

My main focuses for the internet are the Emporia State website, so I can check my email and check for any new assignments on blackboard. I also use the internet for social networkking such as Facebook and Yahoo, I manage many fantasy sports teams throughout the year and it is free for any sport so it works out well. Downloading music and other forms of entertainment have also become a huge importance in my life; I love the ability to have free access to the subjects I enjoy the most, music and film. I am then also able to transfer these files I download into my phone and Ipod. I use movie databases quite often to check on new releases and what to expect in the future in the movie industry. One of the biggest positives to happen to the internet is the creation of; where the creators of this website give the masses the ability to upload any kind of videos they desire for the viewing pleasure of the public. When I first discovered I did nothing for 5 days straight.

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